Porto Venere

Porto Venere

Tuscany Surroundings

Porto Venere is a spending fishing village in the province of La Spezia, overlooking the Golfo dei Poeti (Gulf of Poets). The village is fascinating, with an ancient cobble stone path leading the traveler on a pleasant stroll from the port, where the fisherman’s boats are anchored, to the heights where the gothic-style Church of Saint Peter stands on a rocky peak overlooking the sea, and then the summits of the village with the Sanctuary of the Madonna Bianca and the Castle Doria.
The English poet Lord Byron lived in Porto Venere for a period in his life, and there is a cave named after him in his memory located close to the Church of Saint Peter.
Porto Venere is approximately 50 km from Camping Souvenir in Marina di Massa.

Porto Venere - Tuscany Surroundings