

Tuscany Surroundings

Approximately 7 km from Camping Souvenir, Massa is a delightful town situated in the Tuscan heights with approximately 70,000 inhabitants.
Its origins date back to pre-Roman times, and the first Liguri-Apuan settlements emerged along the Frigido river.
It was in its full splendor when it was the capital of the Duchy of Massa and Carrara. Annexed during the Napoleonic rule to the Principality of Lucca and Piombino, in 1829 the city was passed on to the dukes of Modena, the Eastern-Austrian family.
In 1859 it united with the Kingdom of Sardinia; with the Union of Italy Massa was initially united to the Emilia region and finally annexed to the territory of the Tuscany region.

Must-sees: Piazza Aranci and the Palazzo Ducale, the castle Malaspina, Piazza Mercurio, the Duomo and the historical centre in general.
If you spend your holiday in Tuscany, in Marina di Massa, you absolutely must try some of the typical dishes of the massese cuisine: i tordelli massesi (meat ravioli), il baccalĂ  marinato (marinated cod), il galletto con le barbe (a native vegetable), and the torta di riso (rice tart).
The Apuan hills of Massa also produce excellent Vermentino-based wines.

Massa - Tuscany Surroundings